2017 Polk Heart & Stroke Ball

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Open Your Heart

Imagine a world without heart disease or stroke. Many say this is unattainable, considering heart disease kills more Americans than the next four leading causes of death combined. But this vision — for a world free of heart disease and stroke — drives the lifesaving mission of the American Heart Association. Open Your Heart gives donors the opportunity to make a direct impact on the AHA’s mission by making a personal gift.

Your generosity enables the American Heart Association to fund groundbreaking research, develop guidelines to improve patient care and help people lower their risk factors for heart disease and stroke. As long as heart disease continues to be the nation’s No. 1 cause of death, the importance of our work will only grow. Please consider making a gift to Open Your Heart.

Together, we can change lives and saves lives!

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Open Your Heart - Level 1 $0.00

Open Your Heart - Level 2 $0.00

Open Your Heart - Level 3 $0.00

Open Your Heart - Level 4 $0.00

Paint The Town Red Image

Thursday, May 4, 2017
6:30pm - 10:00pm

Lone Palm Golf Club
800 Lone Palm Drive
Lakeland, Florida 33815

General Inquiries
Aileen Gordon
(800) 257-6941 x8032

Event Sponsorship Inquiries
Jennifer Helriggle
(770) 612-6061